A View of ACA from a Physician Perspective

I'll bet $2 that these patients didn't use an agent. How many of you are dealing with "I don't take obamacare patients"? Anyone seen this Amex card they speak of?

[url=http://ift.tt/1BM0Qo3 m_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=163 76353&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_7LyELaFKSVz7dtF1_9HU2Yq3ql2UYPBHWt106n351XNYYRAI_ 6yk9cSeP24tnc6IU8jCBQcbyKKceqoWC6V8rLeX5Zw&_hsmi=1 6376353]South Florida Doctors Explain Co-Insurance, As Well As Cholesterol Counts | Kaiser Health New

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