Looking for FE carriers that accept ages 0-85 or have a product for 0-45.
Do any of you know one of these? Preference is a PHI available, unless the carrier has a pretty good track record with agents on issuing as applied. I am not interested in:
1. SNL
2. Settlers
3. Trans
United Heritage does accept these ages and thats great, I can look past the non PHI with them as I have heard good things about them from other agents.
Just looking to see if any other FE carriers accept 0-85 with PHI.
Do any of you know one of these? Preference is a PHI available, unless the carrier has a pretty good track record with agents on issuing as applied. I am not interested in:
1. SNL
2. Settlers
3. Trans
United Heritage does accept these ages and thats great, I can look past the non PHI with them as I have heard good things about them from other agents.
Just looking to see if any other FE carriers accept 0-85 with PHI.
Source of insurance-forums.net
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