What Final Expense Co Pays 30% Year 1 70 % in 2

Hi everyone,

Need help for a client that discovered the he has cancer. What Final Expense Co pays 30% year 1 and 70 % in 2 as a grad?

I think it is Foresters. I was going to write with Gerber but another agent that my prospect does not know and probably found on the web... offered a Final Expense policy that pays 30% year 1 and 70 % in year 2 for about $101 a month for 15K

He is 65 and lives in Mass. I need to contract with Foresters to get the sale.

I like the policy and so does the client.

Gerber was going to make them wait 2 years for full death benefit and year 1 and 2 only interes

Source of insurance-forums.net
