I've been getting these for the past two weeks, and I just have to say I'm thrilled with them. I've been working direct mail for the past three or four years and I've been relatively successful. I'd mail 1k pieces a week, every week and my price per lead has come in right around $28/lead for the past two years.
These things though, are just taking me to another level. I don't know if it's just my area or what, but almost every person I call who has "talked to Jane" is ready to meet and knows why I'm calling. It's refreshing. I book almost everyone I talk to. With direct mail I was co
These things though, are just taking me to another level. I don't know if it's just my area or what, but almost every person I call who has "talked to Jane" is ready to meet and knows why I'm calling. It's refreshing. I book almost everyone I talk to. With direct mail I was co
Source of insurance-forums.net
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