Ran into an old friend. She mentioned that someone from WFG (World Financial Group) pitched her the idea of an IUL and she was about to commit but then he invited her to one of those silly rah-rah-cultish meetings and it freaked her out, so she cancelled.
Well I told her that shouldn't get in the way and if she wanted me to take a look at his illustrations I would, just to make sure he was writing it in her favor and not his.
She told me she wanted to put $20k in (even if that is spread over a few years), and then have a minimum contribution of $100/mo afterwards.
She sent m
Ran into an old friend. She mentioned that someone from WFG (World Financial Group) pitched her the idea of an IUL and she was about to commit but then he invited her to one of those silly rah-rah-cultish meetings and it freaked her out, so she cancelled.
Well I told her that shouldn't get in the way and if she wanted me to take a look at his illustrations I would, just to make sure he was writing it in her favor and not his.
She told me she wanted to put $20k in (even if that is spread over a few years), and then have a minimum contribution of $100/mo afterwards.
She sent m
Source of insurance-forums.net
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