We're an independent agency. We currently have a few captive State Farm, Allstate, Famers guys that send us a few things here and there, but I'd really like to ramp up our marketing efforts to them.
If you're Indy, what are you doing to market to captives? If you're a captive, what would you like to see from an Indy partner?
I'm trying to put together a marketing flyer that highlights the value we can add, like writing home mono-line homes for clients with claims, vacant properties, and obviously the business we can write on the commercial side. I was planning on doing drop ins with cookies,
If you're Indy, what are you doing to market to captives? If you're a captive, what would you like to see from an Indy partner?
I'm trying to put together a marketing flyer that highlights the value we can add, like writing home mono-line homes for clients with claims, vacant properties, and obviously the business we can write on the commercial side. I was planning on doing drop ins with cookies,
Source of insurance-forums.net
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