68 year old diabetic-non smoker

While writing a client today, his niece inquired about helping her mother get a policy. She's 68 years old 5ft 5, 100 lbs, was diagnosed with diabetes last year, and her daughter says she's on a sliding insulin treatment.

She takes the following medications also:

Paroxetine Hcl 40mg..1 daily

Nifedical 60 mg...1 daily

Fluexetine 40mg..2 daily

Methldopa 250mg..2 daily

and the one that is throwing me off is:

Levodopa/Carbidopa....2 in the morning and 1 in the evening; Her daughter claims it's not for Parkinson, but that it's to treat Parkinson like side effects caused by anot

Source of insurance-forums.net
